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Post by bassjones »

most republicans are racist
I can assure you we're not. I know that's what we get portrayed as, but I actually think Democratic policies are more racist. Robert Byrd (Democratic Senator from West Virginia) is a former recruiter for the KKK. Al Gore's father voted against the Civil Rights Ammendment. Bill Clinton's mentor (William Fullbright, of Fullbright scholarship fame) was a segegrationist. More Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Ammendment than Democrats. John F. Kennedy's administration (his brother, Bobby was his Attorney General) bugged Dr. King's offices, and was responsible for labeling him a Communist (he actually was a Socialist - big difference), while Richard Nixon held weekly meetings with him and actually implemented the first affirmitive action programs. Sometime in the mid 1970's, Jesse Jackson sold out and started pimping for the Democrats, likely because they gave him some notoriety. He's also been known to shake down organizations and accuse them of the "R" (Racist)word if they don't give him money, which is what he did to Ronald Reagan and why many Blacks continue to believe Reagan (and all Republicans) was a racist and still are racists.
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The Hand of Poo
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Post by The Hand of Poo »

How is racism still an issue?

I can't believe that a majority of americans have a stance that reflects any segregationist views whatsoever. IMHO, my generation has been raised, at least educationally, to not recognize any difference of race whatsover.

For example, my step-son attends a preschool, and in said school, he is a minorty (he's caucasian). His best friends are an african-american, and a latino. He sees no difference in these children, and has paid no attention to race whatsoever. I can't say I was raised much different, and I'm a child of the 80's, also a child of a extremely religous family with strong views on different, yet equally imprortant issues.

Now, I wan't raised in backwoods Kentucky (actually, I was born in Cali, and raised in Auburn), but it still seems to me that my opinion stands with the majority here. I see the extremists, and I've read their rhetoric (i.e., http://www.worldchurchofthecreator.com ), and I see no common sense therein.

Again, IMHO, racism is an issue that dies with a generation that is already facing death. Of course, there is always the extremist, who believes in segregation and inferior races, but who listens to them? These people might as well tell me that food is bad for you. Oh wait, they have...

The minute we stop talking about racism is the minute that race no longer matters.
kimaliz wrote:I think so
No, you're not. Conservitism is a concept that goes by a wrongful definition in the mainstream. To me, it stands for people who believe that reality is truth, and only in moderation will anything succeed. And I feel far safer with a conservative in office, who believes in WHATSOEVER they may feel is right, than with a liberal who feels they need to kiss the ass of the entire world.
jojo the circus monkey

Post by jojo the circus monkey »

The Hand of Poo wrote:How is racism still an issue?
i'd say your heart is definitely in the right place, but that's radically naive.

racism, much like Satan, is alive and well. alive AND kicking. not to mention economics, or as waltrina or robin would say: socioeconomics. regardless of "equality", racial economic dynamics will always be messed.

if your name is of a non-white tradition, for instance Shante or Jamal, your chances of getting called (for a job, bank thing, whatever) are lowered.

and the generation is definitely not dying. look in the other thread where the girl said something to the effect of "real women dont like guys who dress like f.ags."

The minute we stop talking about racism is the minute that race no longer matters.
and yet 1) indians will still live on reservations 2) the rich will still be who they are 3) shante still wont get as many calls.

Of course, there is always the extremist, who believes in segregation and inferior races, but who listens to them? These people might as well tell me that food is bad for you.
pretty much any sociologist-ish person (or in proper nomenclature: marxist person) will tell you that the blatant racists aren't the problem. the problem is the implicit and underlying racism. like the following dialog:

guy1: my dad is not cool and scummy
guy2: why?
guy1: well let's put it this way - he dates black women
guy2: holy sh*t am i really friends with this forking dude?
The Hand of Poo
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Post by The Hand of Poo »

You're right on cue Adam. That's exactly the arguement I was looking for.
Bjart Sod
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Post by Bjart Sod »

regardless of "equality", racial economic dynamics will always be f*#ked.
Exactly. Regardless of whether or not the schools are segregated by law, the schools are still segregated by socioeconomic class. And ethnicity and socioeconomic class have some interesting and depressing corallations. This is even more true on a global scale.

I think one of the most telling signs that racism is still with us came in the days after 9-11. The attacks against American Moslems and immigrants from the Middle East demonstrated that at lease some Americans still hold prejudices and generalize stereotypes across entire ethnic groups. This isn't just a generational thing either: Doug Sod once had a conversation with a 20-something guy who admitted that he had no problem with Iraqis dying because Iraqi lives aren't worth as much as American lives.
John F. Kennedy's administration (his brother, Bobby was his Attorney General) bugged Dr. King's offices, and was responsible for labeling him a Communist
I could very well be wrong, but wasn't it mostly the FBI who did this?
and the generation is definitely not dying. look in the other thread where the girl said something to the effect of "real women dont like guys who dress like f.ags."
Ah, the kicker. Conservatives will go to great ends to prove they aren't racist (and rightly so...both parties have come a long way). But accuse them of discriminating against the GLBT community and stand back.

Democrats please note, however, that John Kerry's websitedodges the issue of gay marriage by saying he's in favor of benefits but never mentioning marriage. And although it's in the page header, he doesn't mention anything about rights for the T's in GLBT.
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Post by vocalcoldfire »

I guess I'm republican....

Probably because my family is decently wealthy and republican policies normally allow us to keep our money and screw the little guy.

But you can't really blame me. =/
Everyone who lives will some day die and die alone
jojo the circus monkey

Post by jojo the circus monkey »

The Hand of Poo wrote:You're right on cue Adam. That's exactly the arguement I was looking for.
you can't argue what i said. racism is still an issue. :cry:
The Hand of Poo
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Post by The Hand of Poo »

jojo the circus monkey wrote:
The Hand of Poo wrote:You're right on cue Adam. That's exactly the arguement I was looking for.
you can't argue what i said. racism is still an issue. :cry:
Not in my mind, and that's the only place I have any control over. Anyway, I wasn't trying to argue with you, perhaps I should've stated that differently.
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Post by DominaCrystal »

haha i was calling kimaliz a racist...... sensitive are we?

Racism these days isnt about the people inside our country these days, or slavery. ITS ABOUT IMMIGRATION AND TERRORISM. So bringing up the KKK doesnt do you any justice. Because that is history, like you said. Today it is about giving the middle east guys the evil eye, complaining about immigration, and complaining about welfare being eaten up by the growing population.

And republicans do what?
Bomb Iraq. Want to cut welfare to stop helping america's children, when the parents should be punished. NOT THE KIDS. And complaining about immigration, helll the south (florida, texas, and neighbooring texas states) was spanish rule before..so what they are coming back. Most republicans do NOT like foreignors, and that is modern racism.

Get in touch with current events before you whine.
jojo the circus monkey

Post by jojo the circus monkey »

DominaCrystal wrote:Racism these days isnt about the people inside our country these days, or slavery. ITS ABOUT IMMIGRATION AND TERRORISM.
are you forking stoned?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! racism is about immigration!?!?! racism isn't about the people in our country?!?!?!
So bringing up the KKK doesnt do you any justice. Because that is history, like you said.
yes, when something is history it ceases to matter. hahahahaha

Today it is about giving the middle east guys the evil eye
oh you mean Israel?
helll the south (florida, texas, and neighbooring texas states) was spanish rule before..so what they are coming back.
actually... spaniards aren't "coming back" and mexico won freedom from the spanish back in the days.
Most republicans do NOT like Foreignor and that is modern racism.
no, that's just bad musical taste.

(ps: read "culture of make believe" by derrick mf jensen)
Get in touch with current events before you whine.
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Post by Dog »

jojo, you sharkmansix and bjart are my absolute favorite people on this site.
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Post by DominaCrystal »

Maybe you don't realize there are tons of immigrants coming to this country and people are mad about it. If you think racism is just about black and whites these days. Then you need to get out of under that rock. Maybe traveling out of state?
jojo the circus monkey

Post by jojo the circus monkey »

DominaCrystal wrote:Maybe you don't realize there are tons of immigrants coming to this country and people are mad about it.
1) that doesn't have to do with racism. that's ECONOMICS.

2) people being mad about immigrants doesn't qualify that as a big racial problem.
If you think racism is just about black and whites these days. Then you need to get out of under that rock. Maybe traveling out of state?
1) check yoself before you misgrammar yoself
2) the effects of "black and white" racism is still felt today. if you want to understand the economic basis of racism and why it wont go away by simple rhetorical "equality", read "Culture of Make Believe" by Derrick mf Jensen or "A People's History of the United States" by Howard mf Zinn.
3) read for fukk's sakes!!!! quit deducing! your palate is too limited for deducing!!!
Bjart Sod
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Post by Bjart Sod »

Sorry, Jojo, but I'm going to have to back Crystal up on this one. There's quite a bit of hatred in this country against latinos. Sure, economics explain why folks would leave Mexico to work in America for low pay and zero benefits and live in substandard housing, but it doesn't explain why there have been so many attempts to force English Only legislation.
[i]Bound his hands, slit his throat
Three Masons stole his life away
And dumped him in the cold Ontario[/i]
jojo the circus monkey

Post by jojo the circus monkey »

Bjart Sod wrote:There's quite a bit of hatred in this country against latinos.

indeed! but that doesn't make it one (of only two) legitimate racial problems. america has been anti-immigrant for a long time. this isn't new. it wasn't until, at MOST, 50 years ago that the chinese were legally allowed back into california.

and the simple "influx of immigrants" isn't what's bothering people (of course you could say that we're racist and looking for an excuse). typically it's "thur tuckin rrr jerbs!!!!! git'r dun!"

and as the population increases to a level the world has never known (that we know of), jobs and immigration is a real concern.

but there are a lot of dumb ignorant racist f**ks out there. real quote:

girl: i'm not racist, i just hate mexicans.

she's from Auburn. (that should explain it)

but economics and racism usually go hand in hand. Poor White Guy has a legitimate concern about "illegal" mexicans coming in - granted his frustration is probably stemmed from repressed unhappiness in his environment. or maybe i'm just playing devil's advocate sticking to economics. i dont know.
Sure, economics explain why folks would leave Mexico to work in America for low pay and zero benefits and live in substandard housing, but it doesn't explain why there have been so many attempts to force English Only legislation.
yeah you bring up a good point. there's some seriously bunk sh*t going on with that kind of stuff. like "speak english or die" - when in reality, we really dont speak english. that's why i always type "flavour" and "centre" when i can remember to.

but to say that racism is limited to mexicans and muslims is radically ridiculous. and then to say that "black and white" racism is history...? onlydumbwhite people could say that.
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